Vetionx requires a full-page ad spread for Revue magazine featuring their new dog food, Better Bowl. This ad must be created in a week. Newly created branding must be used to communicate the information provided, which outlines how to read dog food labels to ensure it is both safe and healthy. Supporting graphics need to be used with this information to convince the consumer that Better Bowl will meet this need.
Scroll down for Solution.

Appetizing images of the actual dehydrated dog food were chosen as well as an image of a dog eager to eat his food. Patches of branded colors were used with white space to create an aesthetically pleasing balance. The information about how to choose safe, healthy dog food was featured with supporting graphics on the left page, while a full ad for Better Bowl was created on the right. This is a logical transition from a problem to a solution for the potential consumer.
View this spread on Revue Magazine's site here (pages 30-31).